Windmill blades on hatch tops of Allcargo Laxmi |
Necessity, we all know, is the mother of all
inventions. This principle is as old as the human civilization. Energy has been
the continuous need for all of us. Getting carried away with one exciting
aspect usually puts other important, but not readily apparent, on the
backburner. Industrial revolution brought all the most sought after comforts.
In the process health and environment got compromised. Awareness, rising clout
of environmentalists has forced scientists, experts and industrialists to
explore and harness those sources of energy which are not taxing to ecological
balance and not detrimental to human health. Global warming has become the major
issue today. Our mother nature is enormously generous to keep forgiving our
blunders. But things are indeed getting out of control. In a way human avarice
is also to blame.
Two cranes of Allcargo Laxmi discharging a windmill blade |
Recently I heard doctors
say that air pollution is also responsible for the rising instances of
diabetes! Why? Because, the pollution level is so high that it blocks the sun’s
beneficial rays which are supposed to manufacture vitamin –D on coming in
contact with human skin. Among numerous other medical problems, vitamin-D
deficiency is also linked to the sweet malady.
Blade being positioned on a special trailer |
Carrying windmill blades on
board the vessel M.V.Allcargo Laxmi brought all these thoughts to my mind and
the knowledge that India
is also playing its role in keeping the mother earth clean and green. Suzlon
has been in the forefront in this venture and Allcargo Logistics is also playing
its part, though indirectly by transporting the windmill blades.
Iron ore pellets in hold of Allcargo Laxmi |
We are excited by unprecedented growth and
prosperity brought about by the concepts of open economy and private
enterprise, but it has put tremendous pressure on energy supply as well. Wind
energy is another change which is going on silently and largely unknown to
common man. Wind energy is not that expensive, as is wrongly assumed, and has
already played in impressive role in reducing the harmful green house
emissions and meeting the energy needs.
Iron ore being dumped on jetty at Kandla |
Windmill tower basically consists of a set of three blades, one hub housing generator and other components, and vertical
tower. As can be seen in the photo each blade is about 60 m long and it weighs
about 8 to 9 metric tonnes. Two cranes are used simultaneously for loading,
handling, stowing and discharging. Our ship Allcargo Laxmi, for her size, has
the advantage of unobstructed space over the hatch tops as the cranes are
mounted on one side of the vessel and not on the centre line.
Crane operator working in environment friendly manner |
So, the 19 blades were
discharged at Kandla on 9th May following which holds were opened to
unload the iron ore pellets that were loaded at Goa.
These pellets are converted to sponge iron which in turn is used for various
purposes including manufacturing of mild steel and stainless steel